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Hosni Mubarak Has Stepped Down: Announcement by Egyptian Vice President Suleiman Print E-mail
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Vice President Suleiman announces on Egyptian State TV that Hosni Mubarak has stepped down and ceded power to the Egyptian Army.

As Mubarak's resignation is announced, Al Jazeera switches live to Tahrir Square for the crowd's reaction in central Cairo

A Revolution in Making Egypt Mansoura
Omar Soliman Announcing Hosni Mubarak's Step Down from presidency!Omar Suleiman Hosni Mubarak announced the resignation from the presidency!

U.S. officials welcome Mubarak resignation

CNN's worldwide resources are on the ground in Cairo and across Egypt as Hosni Mubarak has stepped down as president of the country. For the very latest, tune in to CNN Primetime on Friday night starting at 8 ET.
Washington (CNN) -- Top American officials welcomed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's decision to step down Friday, but urged all sides in Egypt's rapidly unfolding political drama to ensure a peaceful transition to democracy.
Vice President Joe Biden said the developments in Cairo and elsewhere mark a day of "historic" and "dramatic" change. It is a "pivotal moment in history" after which the future of Egypt -- a critical U.S. ally in the Middle East -- will be determined by its people, he said.
The U.S. government will continue to insist on a "set of core principles" in the months ahead, the vice president told an audience in Kentucky. Violence and intimidation against protesters remains unacceptable, he said. The universal rights of people "must be respected" and their "aspirations met."
Finally, he said, the transition must be "irreversible" and part of a negotiated path to democracy.
"The United States has largely spoken with one voice," on the Egyptian revolution and needs to remain politically united in responding to the change, Biden concluded.

President Barack Obama is scheduled to discuss the developments at 1:30 p.m. ET at the White House.
Obama was in a meeting in the Oval Office when he learned that Mubarak was stepping down, said Tommy Vietor, a spokesman for the National Security Council. Obama watched television coverage of the events in Egypt for several minutes afterward, Vietor said.
Obama did not talk to Mubarak or Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman before the announcement of Mubarak's resignation, according to White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.
Moments after the news broke, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, issued a statement urging a peaceful transition.
"I am pleased that President Mubarak has heard and heeded the voice of the Egyptian people, who have called for change," Reid said. But "it is crucial that Mubarak's departure be an orderly one and that it leads to true democracy for Egypt, including free, fair and open elections."
He added, "We caution all sides against violence during this transition."
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry, D-Massachusetts, released a statement calling Mubarak's resignation "an extraordinary moment for Egypt."
But "what happens next will have repercussions far beyond Egypt's borders," he said. "We know from recent experience in Gaza that this requires not just elections, but hard work to build a government that is transparent, accountable, and broadly representative."'
Mubarak's decision to step down is "obviously a welcome step," a U.S. official involved in the Egypt discussions said earlier. But now comes "an unpredictable next chapter."
The official said CNN Mubarak's decision was "a sign the (Egyptian) military chose society" over the country's longtime ruler.
U.S. defense officials were not given any advance warning of Mubarak's resignation and were not sure it would happen.
As the Obama administration began to react, Washington was using a variety of intelligence assets to see what was happening in Cairo and other Egyptian cities, CNN has learned.
The U.S. military and intelligence community are using "national technical means" in the sky over Egypt to gather information about the demonstrations and the deployment of Egyptian security forces.
The phrase "national technical means" is used by the U.S. government to generally refer to the use of reconnaissance satellites to gather imagery or signals intelligence.
A senior U.S. official with direct knowledge of the operation confirmed the intelligence gathering, but declined to be identified because of the sensitive nature of the matter.

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