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Air crash In the Comores Island caused by hijackers Print E-mail
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Ethiopian Flight 961 was hijacked on November 23, 1996 by three Ethiopians who were seeking political asylum.  Flashing a fake bomb, the attackers demanded that the flight be re-routed to Australia.  The pilot explained that there was not enough fuel on board to make that trip, but the hijackers ignored him.  Secretly, the pilot headed towards the Comoro Islands, which are halfway between Madagascar and the African mainland.  The plane was nearly out of fuel as it approached the Island group.  The pilot was forced to ditch in the shallow waters of the Indian Ocean of the Coast of Grand Comoro Island.  As the plane landed, a coral reef hit the engine causing the plane to spin to the left and break apart.  Tragically, 125 of the 175 passengers and crew aboard were killed in the accident.  A tourist recorded this video later proclaiming that she thought the 767 aircraft was part of a surprise air show.  It might be the most clear and devastating plane crash video ever taken.

This plane was hijacked by none muslims and because the victims were only black africans no one ever hear the story again. after the day of this tragedy which took place in the comoros island in 1996, May god blessed those innocent people.


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