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Introducing eLEGS Print E-mail
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This is unveiled eLEGS, an exoskeleton for wheel­chair users who are committed to living life to its fullest. It powers you up to get you standing and walking.

john david sabow, md says:

I am a “spared quadriplegic” since 1961 at age 20. walked with a cane and left leg brace. went to medical school, Jefferson” in Philadelphia, then to Univ of Pittsburgh, Mercy Hospital for Internal Medicine Residency Then to univ of minnesota for neurology residency. practiced for over 25 yrs. then required many cerv spine and LS spine surgeries as a result of many, many falls and subsequent injuries. Now am pretty much confined to my cart.

What your team is accomplishing is more than an engineering miracle. Your dedication to this project has almost a spiritual component allowing the “lame to walk”.

Bravo to all who are involved.

Christine Kent says:

I’m very excited for you Amanda to be able to walk You look very happy to be taking a stroll outside!
Keep the positive energy flowing always. Great innovative technology.I’m a T-12 Gunshot wound and was also run over with an SUV. My hips now have an imbalance and I have a Pelvic tilt.I hope to be able to walk again too, but I’m concerned about severe pain in my hips from the movement considering the type of injury I sustained. I’d like to try it! Sign me up!

Deborah L. Davis says:

Hey Beverly, I caught the press release on channel 7, 10/08/10. And I was very impressed and hopeful. I had an abcess on my spine (T3-T7) that cause me to become a paraplegic.Since 02/07, my sensation has returned and now I am able to move my legs and stand up with the walker. I can lift my legs as in steps but I am still to weak to actually walk. I feel that eLEGS would be a perfect fit. Since I am overweight, it would provide me with the cardiovascular exercise that I need. I would be a perfect candidate for any further testing on this particular situation. Please contact me, because I’m very interested. All consideration would be deeply appreciated.

Questions about eLEGS? You will find many answers here: http://berkeleybionics.com/exoskeleto...

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