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World´s Strangest People 9 Print E-mail
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Adding and Subtracting
Ryan and Dave are the most unique identical twins you'll ever meet. After tiring of piercing, tattoos, and implants about three years ago, they began exploring much heavier surgical modifications. Dave had spent two and a half years in pre-med at Queens University in Kingston, and using contacts made both there and online he and his twin brother have changed themselves in ways far beyond anything anyone else has ever attempted.

The Ratman
De la Rosa starred in a 1987 feature Italian horror film made in Dominican Republic called Ratman[1]. During the 1990s Nelson continued his path to international success by becoming a staple guest at Venevision's television show Sabado Sensacional in Venezuela, and, later on, he would be invited as a guest to Don Francisco's show, Sábado Gigante, and to other Univision shows. His popularity took him to other Hispanic countries such as Argentina, where he featured several times in Susana Gimenez show, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Spain and others. He married, and had a son.

The obsessed Woman
Hang Mioku, a 48 year-old woman from South Korea, became so addicted to plastic surgery that she was left unrecognisable after her obsession led her to inject cooking oil into her face. She had her first plastic surgery procedure when she was 28. Following operation after operation, her face was eventually left enlarged and disfigured, and the surgeons she visited refused to carry out any more work on her and one suggested that her obsession could be a sign of a psychological disorder. So Hang resorted to injecting cooking oil into her face. It became so grotesquely large that she was called "standing fan" by children in her neighbourhood - due to her large face and small body.

As Hang's notoriety spread she was featured on Korean TV. Viewers seeing the report took mercy on her and sent in enough donations to enable her to have surgery to reduce the size of her face. During the first procedure surgeons removed 60g of foreign substance from Hang's face and 200g from her neck. After several other sessions her face was left greatly reduced but still scarred and disfigured.

The skin Disorder
Lee Thomas Fox Detroit is a TV reporter that despite his skin condition called Vitiligo. People that watch the entertainment reporter have seen his skin color change right before there very eyes.
Lee Thomas Fox news reporter has almost completely white hands and white patches around his eyes and mouth. The condition has no known cause and does not have a cure. The triumph of this story is that even though Lee Thomas Vitiligo skin condition is affecting the way he looks, he is not letting it destroy his life.
Is it always good to hear stories a people like Lee Thomas Fox Detroit reporter that overcome difficult times in their lives. Vitiligo affects nearly 65 million people world wide and is the same disease that caused Michael Jacksons skin to turn from brown to white over the years.

World´s Oldest Twins
Kinsan Ginsan was the affectionate name give to twin sisters from Japan who were record-setting in terms of their longevity. Gin and Kin, whose names mean silver and gold in Japanese, were born on 1 August 1892 in Nagoya, 270km (170 miles) west of Tokyo. Kin was the elder daughter and Gin was the younger daughter. Tests proved that they were identical twins, although for some reason they had different blood types.

In 1991, they celebrated being about to reach 100 years of age, and were featured in a newspaper article in which the mayor of Nagoya met both of them and congratulated them. Their health and vitality, despite being over 100 years old, was said to be an ideal form of living in your sunset years, and they became national celebrities in Japan. Kin died in 2000 and Gin in the next year, at the age of 108.

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