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The Biggest Dog of the World - 6 Star Print E-mail
Written by Hot Video   
Jul 14, 2009 at 11:52 PM


World guiness Records Book - The biggest dog of the World! Kurdish Shepherd Dog KANGAL from Sivas Kurdistan.he Kurdish KANGAL Dog 90 cm x 90 Kg Sivas Kurdistan The Strongest Dog of the world The Kurdish sehpherd Dog KANGAL The Biggest Enemy of Wolves,Jackal,Jackasses and Bears Kurdish shepherd dog The Strongest Dog of the world The Kurdish shepherd Dog KANGAL The Biggest Enemy of Wolves,Jackal,Jackasses and Bears Kurdish shepherd dog KANGAL from Sivas Kurdistan 58 kurdisch akbas karabas american pitbull terrier german rottweiler deutscher schäfer hund boxer K2 K9 doberman russian husky irish setter english mastiff köpek dog fight kavga dövüs hunde kampf stafford dog fight figher dogfight

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